I have been called a “Force of Nature” on more than one occasion. There was and is, a belief in my soul that I can move through anything. It’s a good power to own and use wisely. It’s a tool of creation and having a vision. These are all good things. I have also learned that I don’t have to power through everything, and I don’t always have to move quickly. There is power there too. Let me explain.

sexy choice

Taking your time is an option too. And if you don’t really get that, you are not living in the power of sexy choices. You have the choice to move fast and power through, and you have the choice to slow down or simply not move at all. Sexy is finding your pace in the moment and not moving according to old programs of how you always are. Experiment and check in with yourself. Do you always move slow? Maybe it’s time to try out a different gear.

When you have the power to go fast, cliff jump, slow down, or simply stay where you are, then you truly have free will.

In my own life, what I have found is that my own playing with the speed gears of my life and understanding my own willingness to stay in one place that has been the foundation for me to make good, solid, sexy choices to creating a better life for myself.

Author, Alan Cohen puts it like this: “Sometimes the willingness to find your good where you stand is the prerequisite to moving to “better”. As long as you need to go, you have to stay. When you can stay, you are free to go. It’s a paradox – your point of power. As long as you are attached to one option or the other, you are stuck. When you can hold both alternative simultaneously, you are free.”

Play with your speeds. Do something different. Feel the sexy choices. You might make an incredible discovery of about yourself.

Finding Your Sexy At The Speed Of Choice

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